Inspire appreciation for Salisbury history.
Our Collection
Salisbury Historical Society fulfills an important role as a repository of local artifacts, as well as a companion to genealogical researchers and history-minded individuals. With a wealth of archival material and resources acquired over the decades — including old photographs and postcards, primary source documents, family histories, and 3-dimensional objects — the Salisbury Historical Society endeavors to proactively make the town's varied history accessible to the public, all in the space of our early 19th century house museum. We make this possible by means of curated museum displays, guided house and neighborhood tours, and through cooperative alliances with other local organizations of complementary purpose.
Salisbury's physical setting as a coastal New England town — with the added distinction of bordering a major river — has long impacted its historical evolution. It embraces a multitude of functions and characteristics, such as:
early settlement — colonial era
farming and farms
maritime pursuits
Native American (Pennacook) habits, activities, and seasonal presence
small scale manufacturing
Salisbury Beach recreational metamorphosis; tourism
For all who are curious and/or enthusiastic about Salisbury's past, the Salisbury Historical Society remains committed to providing a sensitive, thoughtful, and accurate interpretation of our historical experiences. In that same spirit, the organization recognizes the long-term benefits that accrue through conservational methods and practices; going forward, related efforts will assure that our valued assets are preserved for future generations.